Twin Ports Business Buiders
Local Professionals coming together to Build Business through Networking, Mentoring, and Referrals
in Northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Thank you for visiting Twin Ports Business Builders! Started in 1999, Twin Ports Business Builders is a local organization that helps our members share business referrals and business opportunities.
Twin Ports Business Builders has helped many individuals that rely on referrals to generate sales. Twin Ports Business Builders is a membership of social and business networking. Our main objective is to provide the tools to network more effectively and to increase the number of referrals which have the ability to cultivate into sales.
Each member of our group is an ambassador to each other. When there is a mention for a particular need, our members will find solutions by sharing the insight and knowledge we have of other businesses within our group, in anticipation of that referral becoming a sales opportunity.
Each membership group has only one member per business profession. For example, if you are an Accountant, and we already have an Accountant within our membership group, we can refer you to another local membership or help you start a new one.

If you’re not networking, you’re not working.
Consider joining one of our four Twin Ports Business Builders Chapters:

Details coming soon
Skyline Chapter
Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesday
at place and time to be announced.

2nd and 4th Wednesday
Lake Superior Chapter
Meetings 2nd and 4th Wednesday
9am – 10am at Valentini’s
Contact Steven Raj for more information

1st and 3rd Thursday
Superior Chapter
Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday
Noon to 1pm at VIP
For more information contact JoAnn Jardine

1st and 3rd Thursday
Bayfront Chapter
Meetings 1st and 3rd Thursday
12:30pm – 1:30pm location to be announced.
For more information contact Mary Rich-Raj